Tuesday, March 28, 2017

"I took multivitamins every day for a decade. Then I found out they're useless."

Read and weep.
Though the FDA says on its vitamins information page that there "are many good reasons toconsider taking supplements," it indicates vitamins only "may be usefulwhen they fill a specific identified nutrient gap that cannot or is not otherwise being met by the individuals' intake of food." The CDC estimated in 2014 that "nine out of 10 people in the U.S. are indeed getting enough of some important vitamins and nutrients."
So why are so many Americans still taking multivitamins? Steven Salzberg, a medicine professor at Johns Hopkins, told NPR multivitamins are "a great example of how our intuition leads usastray." "It seems reasonable that if a little bit of something is good
for you, then more should be better for you. It's not true," Salzberg said. "Supplementation with extra vitamins or micronutrients doesn't really benefit you if you don't have a deficiency."
Americans' abysmally bad diets also give vitamin companies some marketing ammunition. When the average American is eating just one ortwo servings of fruits and veggies a day (experts recommend as many as 10 servings of fruits and veggies a day for maximum benefits), a little boost of vitamins might seem like a good idea. But popping a pill isn't going to make up for all those lost servings. "Food contains thousands of phyto-chemicals, fiber, and more that work together to promote goodhealth that cannot be duplicated with a pill," said nutritionist Karen Ansel.
I expect people to say that this is all a plot by BigPharma.

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