Thursday, July 20, 2006

Governor Dukakis: How can we miss you if you won't go away?

Michael Dukakis has always been a carping hypocrite, an overrated pol who thinks he can interject himself into the issues of the day without sounding his usual pompous self.

Ms. Eagan at the Herald scrapes a little bark off the former Governor who really should know better.

Contrast that [the diginity of the Del Valle family] to the I-know-better blame game played this week by former Gov. Michael Dukakis who - another irony - heads a new Democratic group to monitor negative political attacks. Yet his Big Dig criticism has been a nonstop negative political attack on Romney/Healey and all Republicans. Worse, the man who ran for president full time while remaining our governor - that?s Dukakis - nonetheless blasted Romney for remaining governor when he?s yet to declare his candidacy.

The late Sonny McDonough once suggested that Dukakis ferry over to Harvard to teach prospects on how best to lose elections.

We think the Governor has extended his syllabus. We gather that rank hypocrisy is a perennnial lesson the former Governor teaches his students over at Northeastern.

More on this later.

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