Sunday, June 04, 2006

O Canada!

Read the following entry from the Seixon blog, "Terrorism, eh?" and tell me you feel comfortable with liberal Democrats waging the war on terror. By the way was not Canada making accomodative moves to allow Sharia law in certain provinces? Show weakness and you get Oklahoma City three times over.

All the terrorism alerts over the past few years were not real; they were just creations by the Bush administration to scare the public into supporting him. Bush won the election by ?fear-mongering? about terrorism. The farther into the left-wing you go, you get into al Qaeda not being real, al Qaeda being a creation of the Bush administration, bin Laden working for Bush, every single terrorist attack attributed to al Qaeda having been staged by the CIA, and so on, and so forth. Osama bin Laden?s video release in October 2004 was a Karl Rove ploy. The Bush administration was behind 9/11. You get the picture.

Terrorists plotting against Canada just doesn?t compute for these people. They have been brainwashed into believing all sorts of myths and lies about the reasons for terrorism, and Canada doesn?t fit into this picture one bit. They can?t rationalize an excuse for why terrorists would seek to destroy Canadians. So instead, they will ignore the issue entirely or... seek to spin the issue into being about something else.
I think the collective silence on this piece of news in the liberal blogosphere is quite demonstrative as to the fact that they don?t understand this security issue with terrorism. To them, terrorism is a fictional issue created by the Bush administration to control the masses with irrational fear. However, as this newest case in Canada, one of many including cases in France and Jordan, it gives them pause and they can?t do anything other than stay silent and ignore what does not fit into their warped worldview.

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