Saturday, February 04, 2006

Postrel lays into Moslem intolerance. It's all about freedom

The ever-wise Virginia Postrel exposes the double standard. It's OK for some Islamicists to blow up people they don't like. That's not obscenebut satire about the Prophet apparently is enough for phoney indignation. This logic leads one to conclude that Islam is a backward religion, I'm sorry to say.

My response to this nonsense is to wonder why Muslims don't grow up. If your co-religionists are going to take political stands, and blow up innocent people in the name of Islam, political cartoonists are going to occasionally take satirical swipes at your religion. Those swipes may not be nuanced, but they're what you can expect when you live in a free society, where you, too, can hold views others find offensive. If you don't like it, move to Saudi Arabia. Or just try to peacefully convert people to Islam. As Fred Barnes points out, the current cover of Rolling Stone is offensive to (hypersensitive, paranoid, publicity-seeking) Christians, but they aren't threatening anyone with physical violence.

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