Monday, September 19, 2005

What will Queen Noor say?

The Jordanians have a problem with Jewish people. You don't say!

According to a recent poll 100 percent of all Jordanians have an unfavorable view of Jewish people. Mostly Christian Lebanon is only slightly worse.

Jordan leads the Islamic world in its antipathy for Jews according to a new poll by the Pew Research Center.

The poll, which surveyed 17,000 people in 17 countries, said 100 percent of Jordanians viewed Jews unfavorably. The majority of Jordanians are Palestinians, but the late King Hussein and his son and successor, King Abdullah have been known for their pro-American stances. Russia led all other countries with favorable views of Christians (92 percent) while Turkey (63 percent) had the most unfavorable view of Christians.

The Netherlands led all nations surveyed both in positive views of Jews (85 percent) and negative views of Muslims (51 percent).

Jordan has become a fever swamp for Bin-Ladenism. Lebanon isn't a friendly place either. Force is all the more appealing since some people will hate you regardless of what your offer them.