Sunday, September 11, 2005

More incoherence coming out of the Marxist midst - Eric Raymond takes on another idiot

You have to hand it to Eric Raymond, the Linux evangelicalist and suberb theorist of our time. He does not suffer Marxist fools gladly particulary those who think he's "right-wing."

Poor impotent radicals. After all their theorizing, they can’trecognize a real revolution even when its goals and actualachievements strongly parallel what they’ve been saying theywant since 1860. But it’s 2005 as I write; by historical definition,these are the same people who didn’t get the lesson the Soviet Union taught about collectivist economics and the actual consequences oftaking Marxism seriously. Expecting them to have any moreintelligence than a pile of broken cinderblocks might be a bitmuch.

But let’s be charitable and assume some of them can string together two thoughts without drooling uncontrollably. After what I’ve doneand written, how the hell can they mistake me for any kind of conservative?

The easy, cheap shot would be to say they’re too busy masturbating infront of their Che Guevara posters to notice what asuccessful revolutionary looks like. And there’d be lot oftruth in that cheap shot; Western Marxists, in my experience, are moreabout self-congratulation on their own moral superiority and radical hipness than they are about actually changing the world they livein.

They’d rather mouth the right slogans than do the hard workneeded to actually realize the revolution they want.

Read the whole thing.

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