Sunday, March 27, 2005

The New York TImes reviews Paglia

Clive James is an early reviewer of Camille Paglia's Break, Blow, Burn, her new anthology of poetry.

She flies as high as you can go, in fact, without getting into the airless space of literary theory and cultural studies. Not that she has ever regarded those activities as elevated. She has always regarded them, with good reason, as examples of humanism's perverse gift for attacking itself, and for providing the academic world with a haven for tenured mediocrity. This book is the latest shot in her campaign to save culture from theory. It thus squares well with another of her aims, to rescue feminism from its unwise ideological allegiances. So in the first instance ''Break, Blow, Burn'' is about poetry, and in the second it is about Camille Paglia.

Read the entire review. It's largely laudatory but a little forced in the end. James sees the need to let just a little of the air out of the balloon.

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